Dance United Project

Dance United Yorkshire (DUY) is a Community Interest Company (CIC) based in Bradford. This partnership project, funded by the Arts Council of Wales, will see DUY's creative team delivering training for Eleni practitioners, followed by a five-week, full-time Cohort Programme for young people from Wrexham, who are not in education, employment or training (NEET).
The programme will use a teaching methodology that is a powerful adaptation of professional contemporary dance training that drives towards a high quality, professionally staged, public performance. The work is tough, tightly focused and extremely disciplined. The young people will not necessarily be trained as dancers; rather, dance is used as a catalyst for radical and lasting personal change. The work succeeds when the complete physical, emotional and intellectual engagement that is demanded allows the individual to feel a real sense of control and purpose, self-belief and pride in achievement.

Eleni are excited to work with DUY on a project which has clear legacy value for Eleni and young people in the north east Wales region.