Currently running

Curiad II
Mudo II
Last year Eleni led a ten-week project with a deaf/blind group in Wrexham. The groupwere desperate to continue the work long term.
Therefore, Curiad 2, will be a yearlong programme of sessions further developing the ground-breaking work started with this community.
The project would retain its cross artform (dance & creative writing/music) methodology, to further develop the work began last year.
Eleni will offer bespoke shadowing opportunities for practitioners wishing to develop practice with this unique community.
Last year, Eleni worked intensely with a Palops community dance group, helping them to structure classes, progress their teaching practice & create performance pieces.
Each group requested to continue working with Eleni for a longer period of time, to further evolve teaching tools/skills, help with making further performance content & growing their movement vocabulary. Some groups also expressed an interest of accessing support to develop open access community dance sessions.
Mudo 2, will enable Eleni to mature the relationships with past groups. Offering these groups an allocated a number of hours that they can use to engage with Eleni at their discretion over the year. I.e. when working towards creating a new performance, wishing to gain more insight in making new choreography, expanding movement vocabulary.
Eleni would engage with two brand new groups who have expressed a strong desire to engage in this programme.
A research & consultation project concerning Junior & Youth Dance, & career pathways for developing Welsh medium dance practitioners.
Eleni is keen to ensure the sustainment of the sector, by developing pathways for dance artists of the future, therefore this piece of work will enable the organisation to understand how the organisation can develop welsh medium practitioners and retain them in the region.
A dance and music project for those with additional needs, mental health challenges, and ‘at risk’ young people.
The partners outlined in this strand were garnered as a result of witnessing the effect of Eleni’s engagement with their participants, through the Dancing with Dinosaurs project or engagement with stakeholders via Eleni’s wider programme of activity.
The ideas for this project have been developed directly with the partners & participants noted within this strand.
Woven through each strand is welsh language & culture, taking advantage of new partnerships garnered in this area to help Eleni formally build upon its preceding work in this area.